Chat Bot
Virtual assistance on a level you have never seen before
The Challenge
Increase productivity and give value to employees
It is important to garantee to the company a Customer Care department made up of increasingly qualified personnel who are less and less involved in low specialization activities, in order to offer to the customer a better experience, while reducing the cost of labor on a level never seen before.
Increase customer care engagement
In today’s market, it has become essential to increase customer engagement. To do this, it is necessary to offer a service able to guide the customer, reducing the waiting time and increasing the response speed.
How can we help you?
A well integrated virtual assistant

Beyond traditional technology
For years Proge-Software has been studying technological solutions that go over the traditional use of automated messagging services.

Enterprise Project Management
Chat Bots are able to understand the progress of the work highlighting Delivery problems and assigning new tasks to be performed.

Integration with second level answers
Chat Bot systems perfectly integrated with second level answers in which the human intervention is necessary.

Proge-Software Chat Bots
Proge-Software has been investing in Chat Bot sector for a long time, pushing it over the traditional use of automated messaging services. For example, one of the most original areas is linked to Enterprise Project Management in which Chat Bot receives the status of work progress, highlights the Delivery problems and automatically assigns new tasks to be performed.
In general, Proge-Software approach makes sure that Chat Bot systems are perfectly integrated with second level answers where human intervention is necessary.
Our solution: BAF
BAF (Bot Aggregator Framework) is Proge-Software solution that automates the first level of supporting services that allows users to interact with a virtual assistant which is able to resolve the problems. It is a communication based on natural language that is improved by machine learning algorithms. If user is unable to find an answer to his/her question, BAF intervenes and involves the second level human support by using Skype for Business platform.