OfferingDigital Hive

The Hive is one of the most organized and advanced natural structures, within it each individual and every space has a precise function that is organized and coordinated with the rest of the system. Each hive is made of honeycombs, hexagona-shaped slots, a perfect figure which represents, besides the circle, the most convenient ratio between perimeter and area.

In our vision the hive is the best metaphor of perfection that a company can aim to, thanks to digital transformation.

Our mission is to help you build all the slots to make your company perfect thanks to processes, technologies and people.

Start your Hive

modern workplace
Modern Workplace

Computerization, updating, connection: thanks to these tools we are able to optimize your company productivity and efficiency.

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Governance Compliance

Every digital solution adopted must be compliant with the latest directives: a sensitive, but necessary aspect.

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Software Development

We are able to project, program and implement specific software solutions for professional and commercial needs.

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Cloud Adoption

The virtual environment of the Cloud allows to always have the necessary resources and information available, for a full functionality.

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Data and AI

BIG DATA management and the use of Artificial Intelligence are fundamental competences to develop any activity.

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Evolve your infrastructure

Our experts are at your disposal to identify and implement the best solutions to grow your organization.

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Resourcesour latest news

  • The revenge of «convenient ethics» – Interview with our CEO Marco Meneo for Economy Magazine

    After being recognized with the “Legality & Profit” award, our CEO, Marco Meneo, was interviewed by EconomyMagazine. The article provides a unique opportunity to understand how we are transforming the concept of business success. Through a constant commitment to sustainability and ethics, we are redefining the parameters of success in the modern era. For the

    8 May 2024
  • Celebrating Excellence: ProgeSoftware Wins the “Legalità & Profitto” Award

    It is with immense pride that we announce ProgeSoftware has recently been honored with the prestigious “Legalità & Profitto” award. This significant accolade, now in its third edition, celebrates the commitment of Italian companies to combining profit and integrity, demonstrating compliance with our country’s regulations and a strong sense of social responsibility. Being selected among

    11 April 2024
  • Innovation Lab Sannita launch – 26 November 2023

    We sincerely thank all the participants who contributed to the success of our extraordinary event held on 26/11 at the Faicchio Castle, dedicated to the celebration of our roots and the relaunch of the Samnite headquarters. In particular, we express our gratitude to the professors of the prestigious Campus Biomedico University of Rome, Federico II

    14 December 2023